Great that you are thinking about, or have already joined SenseCheck! You are one step closer to avoiding unnecessary marketing waste.
We hope you will jump in asap and take advantage of your free trial.
So, how to get started?
SenseCheck’s human panel will look at any aspect of your marketing. Because they are real people they can look at ideas, rough sketches, drafts, or any early thinking. They can also review one or more final ideas for execution. Whatever stage you are at they can give you pragmatic feedback. On anything, you plan to show you would-be customers.
So, don’t wait until you have a big new marketing initiative ready to go on your laptop to run a test.
SenseCheck works on the basis of uploading something the panel can “see” or read in a minute or two. There is a simple briefing form, and then an easy-to-use upload function. Fill in the brief form, click send, and wait a couple of days for your automated report to arrive in your inbox. It’s as easy as that.
And please note that only a few selected panelists will see your idea, inside our system and no one else. Be assured, it’s not posted on the internet!
This briefing form allows you to explain enough about the marketing idea to give context. It also allows you to ask a specific question or two. The Panel will be more useful to you if you ask them a specific question. For example: “Does this explain that we are a software provider” rather than “what do you think?” But the latter is still worthwhile, of course.
Imagine you are in a room with 5 friends and are asking for their unvarnished opinion. That’s what you are doing here. Even if it’s anonymous (which means your feedback will be far more truthful than asking 5 mates in the pub!)
So far we have seen many members get great feedback on many different things. Examples include website home pages, landing pages, new company logos, slogans, emails or advertising on Linked in or Facebook. But you can also get feedback on Blogs or LinkedIn posts or other more informal elements of your communication. You might also want to test a brochure or an exhibition stand. If it can be uploaded, and looked at in a minute or two (which is all you can expect prospects to do, after all), you can test it.
It might be a great start to ask for feedback on your current website or recent marketing ideas.
Yes, it’s already “out there” but getting a peer review might inspire you on what to change next time around (and we know that no marketing is ever perfect).
Even if you think it’s all “good”, and even if your metrics appear to be “OK”, it’s worth being brave enough to see if it could be better.
Courage in business could be about taking a chance and running with your marketing idea without feedback. And I know feedback can be uncomfortable. But bravery re-directed at getting a second opinion may actually be more profitable in the longer run. A bit of discomfort is better than seeing hard-earned cash going down the marketing plug hole?
At Sensecheck we are not saying you are not good at marketing or are hopeless at judging marketing ideas. More than it is difficult to see your marketing through the eyes of the outside world. After all, because you already know what you are trying to say, it’s easy to think that the message is clear to other people. When in reality, to your prospects who lack your knowledge, it’s definitely not.
Your report may come back telling you your marketing is good (in the eyes of the reviewers) in which case you can press ahead with even more confidence. All you did was reduce the risk.
Roger Jackson
CEO of ShopperIntelligence
Founder of SenseCheck