December 25, 2024

Website Glow-Ups You Need for 2025

Six of the more surprising and helpful recommendations our panel made on websites in 2024


Is your website ready to dazzle in 2025? We analysed the reviews the panellists at SenseCheck gave to websites submitted by our users, and we thought it would be helpful to pick out the biggest themes.

6 brilliant recommendations to give your site the ultimate glow-up. Let’s dive into the insights that’ll help you stand out, connect with your audience, and make the most of your online presence.

  1. First, never underestimate how much effort and attention that first crucial “Above The Fold” piece of your home page matters.
    • Your homepage’s top section is critical—it must be simple, and compelling, and encourage visitors to read more. That’s not easy…. Too much detail and you lose people. Not enough of the right stuff and they click away.
    • Our panel are big fans of video, but it must be short – very short! Any visual material helps, but please, please, please make the visuals relevant and helpful, not just “padding.”
  2. Copy That Captivates: Less Is More
    • In general, copy always needs to be shorter. You have that magic 5 seconds. 
    • One problem is that a landing page needs to be tailored very specifically to one user and one problem/need. If it tries to do more than that, it fails.
    • Headlines should grab attention quickly, supported by concise, customer-focused copy.
    • Avoid jargon—clarity trumps complexity.
  3. Crafting CTAs That Drive Action
    • The panel are fans of CTAs (calls to action) that are motivating not the usual bland “Book a Demo” or “Contact Us”. Or at least explain exactly what happens next. Vague is the enemy of action.
    • Place CTAs strategically throughout your page—at the top, in the middle, and at the end—to ensure they’re always accessible.
  4. SEO and Searchability: Optimize for People and Algorithms
    • Google these days “likes” material that can’t be replicated by AI. Hence one reason video is getting a higher profile. But visuals, diagrams, little self-serve menus. These all get credit for being helpful.
    • Use clear meta descriptions, titles, and keywords that reflect your business.
    • Include product details in text format (not images) to improve search engine visibility.
    • Make sure your website is always optimised for mobile, a cell phone is an even crueller task master and most social media visitors come from them…
  5. Build Trust Through Social Proof
    • We can’t overstate the power and need for social proof. The number one barrier to taking action is credibility. We all know the internet is full of cowboys, frauds and companies who don’t deliver what they promise. Our time is precious. We don’t want to waste it (let alone cash).

      So, any forms of proof help. Yes, testimonials are great (although expect scepticism, every website has them. But things that give a sense of scale (“1000 customers served this year”  or even “founded in 2014”. All this kind of backup helps (and doesn’t need to be in big type!)
  6. Rethink Pop-Ups and Messaging
    • A really simple one to finish. For goodness sake, stop with the pop-ups that come in 5 seconds. It’s way too soon. And, question pop-ups like feedback forms or chat are driven by our needs, not theirs, so they usually don’t help….Yes have a simple way to get in touch or ask questions but pop-ups are a double-edged sword. They obscure your page and the user has to take a step to kick them off.
Key Messaging

The best way to frame your messaging is simple: The panel usually point out that it is clear when the problem is stated up front (to get a visitor nodding, and to show that crucial thing, empathy), followed by a specific clear articulation of your solution, followed by the benefit ( how things will be better). It’s simple, but it’s powerful and it doesn’t stop you from being creative in doing it.


Your website is more than just a digital storefront—it’s often the first impression your customers get of your business. With these expert tips from the SenseCheck panel, you now have the tools to create a site that stands out, engages your audience, and helps your business grow. Whether it’s refining your messaging, optimising for mobile, or adding a touch of personality, small changes can lead to big results. So, start making those updates today and watch your website shine in 2025!

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